Whether Caffeine in Green Tea Good Or Bad

Is caffeine in green tea good or bad? The answer is both Yes and No. There is a genuine reason for people asking about caffeine content in tea. Since green tea is considered good for health, the question is justified. However the question is not justified considering the great benefit this tea offers.

Green Tea Extract

Alkaloid is a substance provided to plants to protect themselves from the pests. It is naturally available in the plants. Caffeine is an alkaloid in the tea plant. Unless the caffeine is embedded strongly in the plant, the good substances in the tea will be subjected to attack.

Green Tea Extract

When you prepare tea drink, the caffeine will brew and comes out faster than the good substances. This is the reason when the drink is prepared the first extract of the leaf is thrown out. That does not mean that the subsequent extracts do not have caffeine. Every extract will have caffeine but the quantum is reduced subsequently.

You cannot completely remove caffeine in green tea if you take as a drink. So long as you enjoy the drink 3 or 4 times a day, you are sure to get the health benefits. However, many people may not like the aroma. Also many may not know exactly how to brew the tea. People who are health conscious will not take any caffeine. Such people can take decaffeinated tea or extract.

The important content in the tea is its catechin, a fantastic antioxidant. The catechin has a flavonoid called epigallocatechin gallete (EGCG). The plant camellia sinensis contains substantial quantum of this EGCG. That is why this tea is very popular for health reasons.

When you want to remove the caffeine, it does not come free. You will remove the EGCG also along with it. Even in decaffeinated format, I am sure you will find traces of caffeine which are imminent.

The caffeine being a stimulant, it is considered bad for health. It is bad provided it goes beyond a certain level. Since hardly less than 4% of the total tea solids contain caffeine, its quantity will be very low when standardized with 95% catechin. This is what is generally available in the market.

There is a claim that the EGCG works in synergy with caffeine in green tea as a fat burner for weight loss program. I am not able to subscribe to this. But what I can subscribe is the fact that the minimum dosage of caffeine with EGCG does not bring any harm to your health.

Why don't you opt for lesser EGCG along with other nutrition so that you not only reduce the risk of caffeine in green tea but also disproportionately increase the benefit of this tea? In this way, you improve your immune system multifold and lead a healthy life. If you believe in it, buy Total Balance. It has all the nutrition derived from many natural herbs and salts including EGCG from camellia sinensis. Also you will get the dosage around 30-40 mg per day from this plant. You should visit my website and know more about this great product and also various nutrition, health and wellness information.

Whether Caffeine in Green Tea Good Or Bad
Green Tea Extract

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